The acquisition of bequests and collections focussing on national and international filmmakers is one of the FAA’s top priorities. In recent years, the FAA has pursued this part of its mission with ever-increasing commitment, resulting in substantial additions to its holdings.


Today, the Film Archive has in safe-keeping bequests centered on individual personalities like the Austrian silent-movie divas Lucie Doraine and Liane Haid, cameramen Hans Theyer and Eduard Hoesch, director Gustav Machatý, screenwriter and director Walter Reisch as well as numerous actors such as Hans Moser and Susi Nicoletti. Stored in a separate archive of its own is the extensive collection assembled by star actor Oskar Werner. Comprising approximately 10,000 items, the Werner collection has not only been catalogued in great detail but also been completely digitized with a view to a large-scale publication in the near future. All bequests can be viewed by appointment at the Audio-Visual Center Augarten.


Jona Haidenthaler